Friday, June 28, 2013

BRINGING UP CHILDREN Dr. Raghavendra S. Prasad, MD 6/27/2013 The eternal question of all parents is how to raise the children. Everybody wants their children to be better than them. Parents will be happy when children exceed their expectations. Sometimes parents do this by providing them all the things that they did not get in their life. This is in terms of material things like toys, cars and other luxuries, which causes problems for them, more than helping them. In order to know what the right thing to do is, we should first understand the purpose and meaning of children and their relationship to us. All things in life happen for a cause, including children. This cause is the karmic baggage or debt or relationship. It is said that we do not choose our children. It is our children that select us to be their parents to burn their karmic baggage (desires). In order to understand this we need to understand death as per Sanatana Dharma. When a person dies, the causal body the Atman (Ghatakasa- contained soul) merges with the Parammatman (Chidakasa – all pervading Brahman). The subtle body (mind) with its pent up desires and memories become the karmic baggage (pretatma). This waits for a suitable family to be born again to fulfill its pent up desires. It is the gross body that is left on earth that is burned or buried that merges with the five elements in nature. When a suitable family is found the subtle body along with causal body descends into the gross body in the womb of the mother around the 12th week of pregnancy. Child thus brings with it the karmic baggage of past life with it and is born in a particular family, because it has some karmic relationship with that family to fulfill. Birth of a child is complex event. The parents feel that they are responsible for their children, while it is the choosing of the child to be born into that particular family. Thus each child has three layers with three bodies. It is a combination of Karmic baggage (prarabda) from the subtle body of past lives and hereditary genes (from parents) the gross body and the Atman, causal body. There are three elements in child parent relationship. One the karmic baggage and relationship (samskaras-tendencies) that the children bring into this life, second the hereditary tendencies of the parents through gross body, the third one is the environment that the parents provide as parental dharma towards the child to grow to its full potential. While parents have no control over the first one of karmic baggage, and the second one of hereditary genes, they do have some control on the type of environment (nurturing) they provide to the child. All our focus as parents should be on this variable aspect of nurturing and nourishing the growth and development of the child to be a productive, contributing human being in society and to Divinity, the full potential. The right attitude for parenting is to keep these facts in mind and function accordingly. What the children become is the product of samskaras (fate, prarabda), genes and nurturing. All three play a role. Thus parents who think that everything a child becomes depends on their nurturing is not fully correct, because of the other two factors. Mythology gives several example of this phenomenon. Hiranyakasipu is a Rakshasa that is born with asuric tendencies (bad); however his son Prahlada was born with daivic tendencies (good). Prahlada’s son Virochana was born with asuric tendencies while his son Bali Chakravarthi was born with daivic tendencies. While same parents raised Ravana and Vibhishana, Ravana developed asuric qualities and Vibhishana developed Daivic qualities. We see this in the world now. If five children of same parents, brought up the same way, each one become different way in their mental makeup like Jimmy Carter and his alcoholic brother. Five fingers of the same hand are not similar. No two brothers and sisters are the same. Keeping this in mind is important, so that the parents will not take ownership for good and bad that happens to children and feel elated or guilty depending on how they turn out. Their only responsibility is to provide equal good opportunity as parental dharma to their children to grow as productive children of the society. This is their Grihasta Dharma to the society. What they ultimately become, they do not have control, since other factors of samskaras and prarabda karma comes into picture. The correct attitude to raise children is as custodian of God’s trust. We are a trustee for the children. We are custodian to our children. We need to be good custodians, trustee for God’s trust, our children. This brings an attitude of detachment. We should Love our children, but not own them. If we own them, we own their successes and failures also. This most often brings sorrow like in the case of Dritarastra who forgot this truth and was blinded by mamatva. The first sloka of Bhagavad Gita starts with the word of Dritarastra “Mamaka Pandavachaiva”. This mamakar is responsible for the destruction of his clan and ultimate sorrow and defeat. Similarly Arjuna’s Mamatva is the reason for Arjuna’s vishada and is the prompting for Gita as a solution. Gita runs between Mamatva to Mama Dharma. Similarly each parent has to get away from mamatva and fulfill their mama dharma (parental dharma) with detachment. WHAT IS THE MAMA DHARMA OF PARENTS THEN? PARENTS TO BE GOOD ROLE MODELS: 1. Parents should lead extemporary lives that their children can emulate. 2. Parents should be positive contributors to society. Actions speak louder than words. 3. Parents should work towards the vision of oneness and unity in the world. EDUCATION THAT INCULCATE VALUES AND CHARACTER: 4. Provide educational opportunities for children that give values and bring splendid character in children. End of education is Character. Sign of education is humility and fragrance of education is goodness. Goodness is greater than greatness. Then what is character? Sustained, spontaneous positive behavior over a period time is character. Character is something we do right when nobody is watching. Education should open up the minds of our children. GOOD EXAMPLE: SCRIPTURES: SASTRAS: BIOGRAPHIES: How do we impart this? First by being a good example. Second through study of scriptures and Sastras. Ramayana, Bhagavata, Maha Bharata are such examples. Life histories (biographies) of sages, saints and good people is also a motivating factor. NAMASMARANA: MANTRA: 5. By having children practice namasmarana (Ram,) or a mantra like OM (or panchkshari, astakshri) or Gayatri that will purify their mind and connects to the cosmic knowledge. BHAKTHI AND KARMA YOGA: 6. By encouraging children to have their own shrine and do daily pooja and thus planting a seed of Bhakthi in them. 8. By encouraging them to participate in community service, volunteering and such other altruistic activity. Help them involve in community activism like protection of environment, noise pollution and the like. COMMITMENT: PERSEVERANCE: EXCELLENCE: SELF CONFIDENCE: 9. By creating an enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge and excellence in everything they do. 10. Empower them with responsibility and help them develop self confidence. 11. Help in developing commitment, steadfastness and perseverance in all the things they like to do. POSITIVITY: ONENESS: UNITY: 12. Help them develop a positive attitude for life and living. 13. Help them see unity and oneness in creation. Let them experience connectivity of humanity. REVERENCE: RESPECT: EQUANIMITY: 14. Help them to show respect and reverence to people in their life (mother, father, teachers, and guests) and to all in creation with an attitude of gratitude. 15. Help them see the big purpose and meaning in all the normal ups and downs of life. Help them develop to be proactive instead of being reactive to life events. FRIENDSHIP: CHEERFULNESS: BE HAPPY: 16. Help them to become Stitapragnas. Teach them how to smile, laugh and be happy. 17. Help promote goodness in them with friendliness to all, but keeping friendship with likeminded good people. TRUSTEESHIP: GUARDIANSHIP: CUSTODIANSHIP: BE A FRIEND 18. Be a trustee and a custodian of God’s trust (your children). Be detached like a Lotus in water and mud. Be a good friend when they grow to be young men and women. While the above were my views based on my growth under my parents and as per my understanding of Sanatana Dharma. I humbly invite others comments and experiences so that the readers will be benefitted by several peoples experiences in this difficult area child rearing.


    All are God’s children regardless of religious belief. This includes all animals and all life in creation. We define God as Omni present. Omnipresence does not exclude any body. No religion is excluded in this. This means all of us are thinking in God, talking in God, working in God, smiling in god and crying in God though only few of us are aware of it.
    John 1:12: For the Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omni science Divinity all names and forms are His. You believe in any name and he will respond. Christians could pray him as Jesus, Hindus as Krishna and Muslims as Allah. He responds in all these varied names since all names are His. Mother in any language is the same. The content of water in any name and is the same thirst quencher.
    Received means those who open up to Divinity’s presence will receive it irrespective of race, religion and language or gender. Ask, you will be given. From unawareness of Omnipresent Divinity, each of us through practice should bring in awareness to His presence then one experience the Divinity.
    God is Unity and Oneness. All the world of diversity is part of Unity only. Kingdom of God is mine, since I came from there and a spark of that is in me as atman (you may call it Jesus) that animates this body and mind. While this is a fact, we are not aware of this inheritance. Bringing awareness is spirituality. All those who succeed in bringing the awareness of Omnipresent Divinity will experience the right of (inheritance) God’s kingdom. This kingdom is not far away. It is within us, around us and there is nothing but that. It is as close as our thought. Existence of gravitational force is there Newton perceived it. Blind may not be aware of the presence of Sun, but sun always existed. Sun reveals to the ones who remove the coverings on their eyes. Thus spirituality is an unlearning and uncovering process.
    ONLY THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN JESUS HAVE THE RIGHT: Evangelical mi- statement purposefully or mis- understanding. Those who take scriptures literally are at the elementary school level of religion. There are also high school levels college level and university research levels in religion. All exclusive religions belong to the elementary school level. Some in preliminary state seekers might benefit from that. For them it is one statement, one god, one book and no room per questing or reasoning. This will not satisfy the same seeker for a long time or other seeker who are at advanced stage of development. What you are mentioning is the primary level literal meaning of the scriptures. Please note that there are other levels like the intellectual levels and final experience level meanings to the same. The experience level meaning cannot be taught and it comes as revelation to the seeker when he is ready. This readiness is the transparency called purity. Each scripture has 3 levels of meaning:
    1. Dualistic – God and we are separate – Jesus said “I am the servant of God”. (I am in the light)
    2. Qualified Non-Dualistic: I am related to God – Jesus said “I am the son of God”.(The light is in me)
    3. Non- Dualistic: I am God – Jesus said “ Me and father are One”. (I am the light).
    These three are not distinct philosophies but, different stages of evolution of a seeker. Scriptures also give these 3 levels of meaning. The non-dualistic (ADWIITIC) meaning only comes from absolute purity of the seeker and this is the direct experience of the scripture as if heard from God’s mouth. Hindus call it Vedas. Others call it revelations. Each Christian seeker should not stop till they get their own personal experience of bible. They could begin with others interpretation but should continue seeking till they get their own. Let me share with you, since you asked.

    Raghavendra S. Prasad, MD

    Here is the 3rd level meaning for the word “belief in Jesus”. It means to me the faith in inherent Divinity that is Atman in us. Self-Confidence is confidence in self. This self is not the body, not the mind. It is the spirit that Hindus call it Atman and Christians call it holy spirit or holy ghost or Jesus. Awareness to this inner spirit brings self confidence that leads to self satisfaction and that leads to self realization.
    Galatians 3;26-27: Hindus believe that bathing in Ganges river ( They show reverence and gratitude to purifying and life giving water in nature as Divinity) wash out all sins. Similarly Baptism is for Christians. This was taken literally. This is what I understand with the same statement: Those who have purified (unison of thoughts, words and deeds –transparency) and immersed (bathed) in Divine thoughts will become Inheritors of God’s kingdom (Children). God’s kingdom is Joy, the un-ending infinite joy). This can only happen not by bathing not by only immersing, but by sacrifice of the body-mind complex called ego. Upanishad says only through sacrifice one gets immortality. Water when taken in purifies our interior as blood and when taken as bath purifies our body and rejuvenates our minds. That is why water is symbolic for purification in all religions. Baptism and holy water, wine in Christianity, Sacred rivers in Hinduism and the holy water from Mecca for Muslims. Baptism should be understood in this context. This is what Jesus said that only through him one reaches the father. Here Jesus means sacrifice. This is what Cross represents. Nobody can gift this. Each one of us have to sacrifice our ego (become humble) to attain immortality (God’s children in God’s kingdom).
    Acts 4:10-12: Same as before. This was taken literally. In Hindu scriptures also, similar statements are there in Puranas. But the VEDAS never had a personalized restricted statements. Hindus believe VEDAS are the authority and revelation and will supersede any other scripture. Bible was edited by people and the Gospel of St. Thomas was removed from bible and he was called doubting Thomas. There are numerous versions of Bible meaning that this book was doctored to suit evangelical missions. Now church and preaching is big business. This is what Jesus stood against when he destroyed the shops in Jewish Temple. Yet Christians commercialized everything including Christmas. Giving to the needy is the original intent, now it became transaction of business, big business. If Jesus alive in person today, he will certainly dis own Christianity as it is practiced today.
    If you go to higher plane and experience the 3rd level of meaning you will understand that Jesus means the spirit, the Atman. Similar statement is given by Krishna that said in Bhagavad Gita 9-22 & 18-66, “Surrender everything to me and I will take care of your needs, welfare and lead you to liberation”. But,
    The difference is, that the Hindus in their wisdom do not interpret saying that you have to call Godhead only by the name of Krishna. No matter what name you call it, he responds in that name since all names are his.
    Blood of Jesus is the spirit of sacrifice of ego. When you sacrifice the ego you transcend limitedness and ascend into un-limitedness (God’s kingdom).

    Raghavendra S. Prasad, MD:

    All of us not God’s children: This statement is like the Brahmins in India saying that sudras and women are not eligible to read Vedas. All the enlightened scholars of Hinduism reject his view, so should the Christian scholars should reject this notion and misunderstanding. All have equal opportunity while few bring in the awareness of Divinity’s presence to experience him and become God’s children.
    Christians or any other religion do not have exclusivity or patent to Divinity. Each religion is a different river that acquires the taste and character of the soil it flows and merges into the Ocean of spirituality to God. Once it merges no more separation, taste or color of the river. It acquires the color and taste of the One Ocean.
    I agree with you of the statement that there is no universal salvation. Each one of us has to seek ,find and experience salvation. Getting into one religion or the other, baptizing, dipping in Ganges, or any name is not a passport to god’s kingdom. People in all religions when they become better in their own religions do reach the same end. Only difference is the exclusive evangelistic religions do not preach or support this Absolute Truth because of their own personal business motives , while Hinduism in principle accept, live and preach this. This is reason why Hinduism does not believe in conversion. All Hindus are Hindus by birth or by attraction, not by promotion. Insulting any path, any religion is ignorance and insult to Omni-Present Divinity. Let us elevate limited man to the level of infinite Divinity, not bring down infinite Divinity to the level of limited human mind.
    I am glad that you posed these questions. Your questions are not yours alone. These are the questions that many Christian brothers have. I am happy and delighted to answer them. Hope this gives some degree of clarity or stimulate your thinking in the right direction. All questions will only be answered when ego is sacrificed (blood of Jesus as you said), purity developed by having thoughts words and actions in unison and resurrection of the spirit within (resurrection of Jesus). Till that time questions remain. Each one should not preach scripture till we listen, read, understand and experience (3rd level) them through our sadhana. This is reason why in Hinduism the priests do not preach, only the self realized sages and saints do the preaching. This set like this for a good reason. Any preaching without experience is the words of the limited mind. Preaching from self realized, experienced souls emanate from the heart (soul).
    There are no short cuts to this. There is no magic wand that confers this to us. Each one has to experience their own spirituality and experience their own meaning f scriptures directly. All other preaching are words from the limited mind not from the unlimited heart, the soul or Atman or Jesus as you said. LET ALL THE PEOPLE IN ALL THE WORLDS BE HAPPY. Dr. Raghavendra S. Prasad, MD
