Friday, March 22, 2013


We are one. This one has two sides, Like in the computer language plus and minus. There is light and absence of light is darkness. We are the combination of good and bad. Good is Atmic reflection. Absence of Atmic reflection is bad.  These two forces, asuric and daivic tendencies and their proportions determine who we are and our character. We can be either Devatas, Humans or Danavas depending on our reflection. We have body, senses, mind, intellect, Atman in us. When we reflect only Body and senses we are Danavas. When our body and senses and intellect and Atman balance each other we are Manavas and when we reflect Atman through our intellect and all our actions are done through this reflection, we are Devatas.

As Danvas we only see our goodness and only see faults in others. Remember that world is a mirror in front of us. We see ourselves in the world. In this state the senses rule the mind and body. As humans we see a balanced world with each person a combination of good and bad, strengths and weaknesses. Our mind and intellect rules the body and senses in this state. As Devatas we see only good in others and see our own weaknesses. We function in the world as humans but our minds are attached to atmic consciousness, oneness and unity. This is a state where our mind is on Himalayas and hands in the world. Here the heart (Atman) rules the mind (thoughts) and hands (action).

While the type nature is partly acquired as samskaras from past lives, it is also partly acquired from spiritual effort in this life. Each one of us has an opportunity to advance through human effort. The task is to sublimate our animal tendencies (survival reactive tendencies) to become humans then by surrendering the ego (body – mind complex) to advance to be Devatas (Daivic sumpathi) and to final merger into Divinity. In this path we can measure and gauze where we are in this process through some mile stones. Those mile stones are:

1.   Aggression, anger, cruelty and finding faults of others, reactiveness, unhappiness, Tamas  - Stage of Danava.

2.      Duality, happiness and unhappiness, restlessness , rajas –  Stage of Manava.

3.      Peace, joy, equanimity, stitaprajnatva, tranquility, balance, seeing only good in others, Satwa – Stage of Devata.

By spiritual sadhana one can advance from Danava to manava to Devata and ultimately to Divinity. This moving from sensual life filled with kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsarya of Danava to life with predominance of mind  and intellect in varying proportions, slowly annihilating the arishadvargas and promoting satya, dharma, shanthi, prema, ahimsa as manavas and to a life of Atmic reflection and ego sublimation (Thyaga of ego) of Devatas and finally merger into oneness, unity and divinity. Each one of us should find out where we are in this transition and advance further to our full potential of Divinity.

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