Purity and ego sublimation are
essential in self-realization. Unison of thoughts-words-deeds is purity. In Sanskrit
it is called Trikarana Suddhi (Chitta Suddhi). It can also equate to
transparency that is attained by getting rid of the six enemies of mankind
namely, desire-anger- miserliness- lust – ego- envy (arishadvargas of kama-
krodha- lobha- moha- mada- matsarya).
Once these inhuman qualities dissipate, transparency develops. This is the child
like state, pure state.
Ego that is one of the six
enemies is the final obstacle for realization. Ego has a purpose initially,
that is to develop individuality, setting and achievement goals. When this
purpose is done or exceeded, it becomes a hindrance for further expansion
ourselves. WE use a boat t cross the
river. After crossing the river you leave the boat and go. It will become a
hindrance if carry that on our back even after reaching the shore.
At this stage we need to learn
how to sublimate ego to attain further expansion to our full potential. Upanishads declare “Thyagenaike Amrutatva
Manasu” meaning that only through sacrifice that we attain immortality. This
thyaga is not material passions as most believe, but the sacrifice of ego
(mind’s identification with body called AHANKAR). Service is the one of the
best ways to sublimate ego.
Selfless-Service is the way to
develop purity. Service is typically mis-understood as for the benefit of the recipient.
It is actually for the spiritual refinement of the giver of service. It is an
exercise in expansion from our limited self to include others in our body. When
we feed the hungry, our hunger is satisfied. In this expansion process through giving and
service, we become porous. This attitude of oneness may or may not be there to
start with. But as we continue to do
service the right attitude slowly dawns in. We imbibe the positive human
qualities like love, compassion, caring. In the presence of these positive qualities
the six negative qualities slowly disappear to make us purer and purer. The
final enemy to leave is ego. It is said
that Rama and Kama cannot co-exist. Where there is Rama there will not be Kama
and vice versa. As an example when Sita desired for golden deer, she lost
association with Rama.
There are three types of service,
physical- material, mental-emotional and spiritual. For a person that is hungry, his hunger need
to be attended to with food first. This is physical service. Connecting with
the person and teaching him skills through education is mental/emotional
service. Further education towards enlightenment is spiritual service. It has
to go in that order.
Selfless -Service (Nishkama
Karma) dissipates our negative qualities and makes us transparent. When
negative qualities dissipate our positive qualities like
truth-righteousness-peace-love-non-violence-sacrifice that are our innate
natures manifest. It helps us expand to our full potential. It helps the
helper more than the recipient. According to Veda Vyasa
The Essence of Eighteen Puranas is
Astadas Puranesu
Vyasena Vachanam Dwayam
Paropakaraya Punayaya - Papaya Para Pidanam.
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