Thursday, July 18, 2013

GIVING IS GROWING AND HOARDING IS DYING Dr. Raghavendra S. Prasad, MD 7/18/2013 Life is a dynamic process and flow. If water stagnates, it becomes a cesspool of bacteria and a reservoir of disease. The same water when it keeps flowing maintains its clarity and purity in spite of impurities coming and joining it. Every cell in the body gets nourishment from the body and works for the common good of the body. When it become selfish and grows at the cost of other cells it called a cancer cell. Similarly we should earn money but at the same time let the money flow out for common good of the society. It is said: “NA DAANENA PAAPENA IHAM DARIDRAM” (POVERTY IN THIS LIFE is the result OF NON-GIVING IN PAST LIVES) Thus each one of us in our own way and to our capacity let our wealth flow out for common good. This makes us healthy and real wealthy. The real wealth of person is not determined by his bank balance, but by his giving for common good. This is the only element of fame that one leaves behind as legacy. Some of us are spontaneous givers. These are the satwic givers. Some of us give for recognition, name and fame. These are the Rajasic givers. Some of us give reluctantly after being coerced because of obligation. These are the tamasic givers. Some of us give our time and effort. Some of us give our knowledge. Some of them give all three kinds of resources. The highest giver is the giver of knowledge (jnana data). The next is the selfless giver of time and energy (karma yogi). Next comes the giver of monetary and other resources, the satwic, rajasic and tamasic in that order. No matter where one start in giving, over time, it becomes a habit and discipline. Soon it becomes our character. No matter where one starts in giving, it gradually transforms us into greater state of true giving. What is important is to start giving and sharing. It is said: “THYAGAINENA AMRUTATVA MANASU” (ONLY THROUGH SACRIFICE AND GIVING, WE EXAPNAD INTO UNLIMITEDNESS) By giving we expand from the limitedness of “me and mine” to “we and ours”. Thus common good becomes our good. There is joy in giving and sharing. Our welfare lies in the welfare of others. Common good is our good. Let us keep this in mind in all our endeavors.

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