We are a wave in the Ocean of Satchidananda Sagara (consciousness) created by pentup winds of desire of past life. Thus our pent up thoughts (karmic baggage) created this life.
Our thoughts determine our words and our words determine our actions. Then we should have good thoughts, good words and good actions. This unity of good thoughts- good words - good deeds is called Trikarana Suddhi or PURITY. In this Purity Divinty manifests. Thus Unity leads to Purity leads to Divinity.
While this is so, why do we get bad thoughts and why we do not have unity of thoughts, words and actions is the question?
When we eat bad food we get bad burps, and when we eat good food we get good burps. The fact that we are getting bad (negative) thoughts means that we accumulated bad food (baggage of past bad thoughts) in the past. These are called bad Samskras (tendencies) of past lives that we bagan our life with in this life.
How we to clean up these bad Samskras in this life? To force bad thoughts out reinforces the bad thoughts. Hence we should flush out the bad with good thoughts. Example is our toilet. We flush out the undesirable with the Good water and bad leaves.
Thus by filling ourselves with good and noble thoughts (positive), we can get rid of the bad (negative) thoughts. This is not the end of it. After we replace the bad with the good (positive from negative) thoughts, we progress further to a stage of zero thoughts, to a state of still mind.
When the mind is still Atma reflects and reveals through intellect. This is called Realization. Any wave of thought that emanates from this still (pure) mind is the thought of Divinity only. This is called revelation or Veda. This is experience of Divinity.
Thus Purity - Unity - Divinity is the process. From Bad thoughts to Good thoughts to No thoughts to Devine thoughts to Divinity. Thus our thoughts are the seeds of our life. Good seeds give us good fruits. Divine thoughts leads to the fruit of Divinity itself. YAD BHAVAM TAT BHAVATHI. Think good - speak good- do good - be good. This is the way to Divinity.
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